Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Etching Class is a Go!

Etched silver earrings with amethyst
After talking about an etching class for the past two months, I've come up with the date of Sunday, October 3rd. I would have scheduled it earlier, but the Jewish holidays intervened. At any rate, the fee of $65.00 covers all materials and chemicals. You may have to bring a few simple things, such as a Sharpie, eye protection and an apron, but I'll send you a complete list as we get closer, and when you reserve a space.
Sheet music etched in copper
Tentatively, class size will be limited to 8.

Also, the class will be from 10-3 or so, and it will be in Los Angeles. The location will be revealed later.

Etched amulet in copper
The main key to success with etching is to have a good image or design in mind. The etching adds texture and detail. A few tips and tricks on how to add your design to the metal in preparation for etching, and you have it all!

Please send  an email to ruthshapiro@gmail.com with any questions and to reserve a space.


  1. Ruth, so sorry I'm going to miss this class. I just signed up for a fusing class for that weekend. I'll catch you the next time around. Glad your reception turned out great.

  2. Hello Ruth,
    Very nice that you give this class, I'm very interested and would like to participate... unfortunately, my budget doesn't allow for it.
    Hope you'll have fun and success with this Sunday class.
    Gigi - Gigi Gems Creations.
